Best 4 Ways to use Instagram for Business that will grow sales unexpectedly!

Would you like to grow your business and increase your brand`s reach to a wider set of customers?  Would like your products to be seen by more people, grow a strong following of customers who relate to your brand, and get paid for it? If you can feel yourself nodding while reading this article, then Instagram is your magic spell!

In 2010, a global app was launched with a simple idea- allow people to share their amazing photographs online. Back then no one knew that this global app will bring a digital revolution into the dynamics of business.

Yes! You heard it right! Instagram has become an effective marketing tool for the business personnel and does more than just photo-sharing.

With nearly 112.5 million users in 2020, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms. From gathering insights to selling products, Instagram for business has helped many entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, and influencers to establish their brand presence.

If you too are an entrepreneur who wants to boost business sales, here is how you can use an Instagram business account in the best 4 ways:

  1. Create Cool Insta Bio

Your Insta Bio is the best way to connect your business with its potential customers. The more catchy, crisp, and creative your bio the more followers and customers will flock towards your account. Using Instagram for business can reflect the unique and candid side of your business, which might stay hidden under layers otherwise.

  1. Instagram Stories

Thinking about a creative way to showcase your products to customers? Instagram stories are the way to go! A perfect way to increase customer engagement, Instagram stories are the best way to display your products in the form of short videos for 24 hours. So beef up and start creating interesting stories for your Instagram for business.

  1. Hashtags

The world is now operating on ‘Hashtags’! Everything which is trending on social media is now turned into a hashtag. Using trending Hashtags is the best way to make your customers follow you. Your hashtags should be in alignment with your products. You can also do deep research to find out hashtags that work best for your business.

  1. Collaborations

Want to attract new customers? Collaboration is a new way! All you have to do is to find a social media influencer you feel is the right face to promote your brand. Contact the same and close the deal. Once the deal is done, you can collaborate with the person to showcase your products most creatively.

Make sure that the influencer must be popular and should have a maximum no. of followers.

Every business needs customers and Instagram business could be your knight in shining armor when it comes to marketing. If you know how to use it effectively, it could be the best marketing tool for creating your brand presence.

If you are struggling to increase your business sales during the pandemic, take the help of our Problem Solving Courses. Specially designed by the top industry experts, these courses can help you take your business ahead in the market. To know more, click here:

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