4 Quotes By Jeff Bezos That Will Inspire You To Chase Your Dreams

4 Quotes By Jeff Bezos That Will Inspire You To Chase Your Dreams

Summary: Sometimes pearls of wisdom can help you in building a great life. Draw some inspiration from these five quotes by Jeff Bezos.

In this digital world, the name of Jeff Bezos needs no introduction. The CEO and founder of Amazon is a popular figure. During the pandemic, when most businesses were facing shutdowns, Amazon flourished courtesy of the services that it provided that were vital for the survival of our modern society.

Bezos has provided some of the best advices for many entrepreneurs who are looking to emulate his success. You can watch his case study here:

Here are four things all of us can learn from this billionaire to implement into our businesses:

1. “Choosing to work hard is the key to being successful.”

Growing up, Bezos says that his motto was "nil sine labore," which means “nothing without hard work.” He firmly believed that hard work has no replacement. Many people often ask him the difference between a gift and a skill. Or does being talented at something require effort on your part? To this, Bezos replies that when you have a gift and you still choose to work hard, you are going to leverage that gift.

The world is full of people who have gifts but either they don’t realize their potential or don’t have the means to take full advantage of them. But there is one thing that everyone must know you have to put in the work every day to meet your goals.

2. “No dream is too big.”

We all have dreams. But some of us are afraid to chase them. However, having big dreams often act as a driving force to do something great in our lives. It gives a sense of purpose that we need to achieve every morning when we open our eyes. Some people dream of having a job, while others dream of giving something back to society. But no matter what that dream might be, it is up to us to figure out how to chase it and turn it into reality.

With his Blue Origin`s New Shepard rocket ship, Jeff says he achieved his lifelong dream. Though not many of us dream about owning a rocket ship company, it is a pure example that no dream is too big. As they say, if we shoot for the moon, we might just land among the stars.

3. Think bigger than yourself to understand the needs around you

Many people understand, while accomplishing their goals that there is more to life than just what is right in front of them. Jeff Bezos shares that right after his trip to space, he was inspired to commit $ 10 billion to fight climate change in the next decade.

Recently, he has taken a pledge to donate $2 billion to the cause of “restoring nature and transforming food systems.” We might not have billions to spend on a cause, but we can do what we surely can for a cause that we believe in. Whether it is replacing plastic bags with cloth bags or going green every small effort counts. It also gives us a new perspective to look beyond ourselves.

4. “Don’t let your circumstances define you.”

If you have seen this amazing case study on Jeff Bezos, you must have realized that he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He did not inherit a large, well-functioning business. Just like many of us, he was surrounded by many challenges. He was born to a 16-year-old mother and spent his summers working on his grandparents’ ranch during the summer.

Smooth roads never make good drivers. The challenges that come in our lives make us stronger, smarter and more experienced. If at any moment in your life, you feel like giving up on your dreams, read these quotes and draw the inspiration to fuel your dreams.

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