How To Build An Email List Of Your First 100 Potential Customers?

How To Build An Email List Of Your First 100 Potential Customers

Ask any professional marketer with years of experience, “which is one of the best tactics for promoting services and products online?” You will undoubtedly get one answer- Email Marketing. But there is one crucial aspect of this marketing strategy, without which it cannot taste success, and that is- Email list of potential customers.

Creating a list of email ids of potential customers makes sense because it allows you to send emails and communicate directly with people who are looking for your services or products. These have requested information from you which increases the chances of conversion rate too.

According to a survey, people who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than people who do not receive promotional emails. So whether you are trying to sell services, information, or any product, email sign-ups can bring amazing results.

We are sure that by now, you must have understood that building an email subscriber list is worth the time and effort. But, from where you should begin?

If you are a fresher in the world of online marketing, the entire process of getting email subscribers might appear daunting. However, fear not! With constant learning, you can become a master of email marketing.

And our article is going to help make email marketing services all seem simple and less daunting. Here are 5 brilliant ways to get email subscribers of your potential customers.

So, let`s begin!

  1. Find your potential customers

Not everyone could be your customer unless you are selling ice cream. Hence, before you begin to make a strategy, you must first pay attention to your potential customers.

Having anyone and everyone on your list is not going to give you any favorable results.

Email marketing is an absolute lead magnet of a marketing tool. In fact, according to stats, your email subscribers can provide considerable high conversion rates of 4.16%.

The best way to find out about your target customers is to research well on demographic factors. The demography of a customer involves their age, gender, their place of living, education, interests, influences, and burning problems.

You too can achieve high conversion rates, if your list-building efforts involve gathering email sign-ups from your target customers.

  1. Present a Pop-up at the end of your content

This is the most successful way of getting leads from your visitors. If you are not getting enough leads, it could be because you are not asking for emails at the end of your content.

Most website visitors subscribe only after they read your content. By triggering a pop-up as soon as they reach the last line of your content, you will be asking them to make the decision right away. Also, since this pop-up appears only after the user has finished reading content, it works like a CTA. Thus, it does not look like a barrier.

  1. Retain Users by triggering a pop-up

When a user signals an intention to exit, triggering a pop-up can increase your subscribers in five minutes or less.  Exit-intent is a new technology that is used to determine when a user is about to leave the website. Many list-building services have integrated this into their businesses because it works like a charm when it comes to email marketing.

So whenever someone is about to leave or close the browser tab, the action triggers a pop-up. This makes the user stop to see what just happened.

  1. Display a Sticky Top Bar

Display a simple and noticeable bar that stays at the top of the screen. So when a user scrolls the page down, the bar remains at the top within a user`s sight all the time. This will get more attention and you will get more conversion. It is a high converting place for your subscriber form and can be used to increase your email conversion rate faster.

  1. Offer Upgraded Content

This is one of the best email marketing tips. Suppose you write a post “Top 3 Ways to Get Organic Traffic”. Also, you have an informative PDF “20 different Sources of Getting More Traffic”. Offer your readers a chance to download the PDF by opting in to give you their email addresses.

Try providing upgrades to your content as subscribing rewards and see your conversion rate improving.

If you want to gain in-depth knowledge about Email Marketing, you can take our Problem Solving Courses. These courses are created for those who want to explore the technical aspects of new and more effective marketing techniques.

Many other online business courses are created especially for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and wantrepreneurs who want to begin their startups.

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