The Indian start-up ecosystem is blooming, with more and more individuals giving up their regular jobs and taking the path of entrepreneurship. As per the Economic Survey for 2019-2020, India now ranks in the number of new firms created annually. Quoting the data from the World Bank, the survey concluded that number of new firms in the formal sector has grown by a significant 12.2 per cent between 2014 and 2018, compared to a meagre growth of 3.8 per cent from 2006-2014.

From idea generation to implementation, starting a business takes a lot of efforts, dedication and perseverance. A start-up founder should be extremely careful while making entry level decisions as the initial success of the business depends upon them. Having a business of your own does look like a Herculean task, but with proper research and guidance, starting, surviving and being successful in the business is not impossible. Being a Solopreneur: 5 Business Tools to Grow your Business.

Here are Five Golden Rules Every Entrepreneur should follow to Make the Start-Up a Success: 

Undertake Market Research and Analysis

The first and foremost rule of any business is to properly research the market. This includes analysing the market demand, competition, price range, and channels of distribution among others. Understanding customers’ taste and preferences is also an essential pre-requisite of launching a product or service. Analysing the market trends and patterns help the entrepreneur to make informed decision and deal wisely with external environment challenges. 7 Powerful Marketing Ideas to Boost your Business in 2021.

Ensure Constant Funding

A start-up needs steady and committed sources of funding to establish itself in the market. Many start-ups shut down in the initial years owing to lack of finance. Before jumping into the market, the entrepreneur should ensure that the business has adequate source of funds and have an access to a regular stream of finance. Various private and public sector banks, venture capitalists, angle investors, government grants are among secured source of finance for start-ups.

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Devise Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

For a business to establish itself in the market, it needs to be visible to its potential customer. Marketing and advertising helps the start-ups to increase its reach. Entrepreneurs should carefully choose their marketing plan and advertisement campaigns. Ads should convey real vision of the business and create a positive image in the minds of the people. Efficient marketing policy also helps in generation the ‘want’ for the product among the potential customers, thereby increasing sales and profits.

Know Your Customers

It has been rightly said and preached for generations that ‘Customer is the King.’ Every entrepreneur need to believe and follow the same. Knowing the customers in extremely important as their attitude, preference and tastes effect the business’s offering. Start-ups should avoid indulging any activity that might upset the customers. Businesses should understand the overall society as well, the cultural and social environment also effects the functioning of the start-ups.

Comply With Legal Requirements

In order to undertake various operational and production activities without any hindrances, businesses should make sure that they comply all the legal requirements. There are various legislations that govern any business, to avoid any penalties or fine, entrepreneurs should make sure that all laws are abided by. These include laws related to incorporation, labour, product, customer safety among others.

Apart from these, entrepreneurs should also focus on sticking to the budget, garnering knowledge about the various aspects of business. Start-ups also need a strong and dedicated team of employees to achieve its goal. Starting a business is indeed a big and courageous step which requires perseverance and dedication. However, with proper knowledge and hard work establishing and succeeding in business world is not impossible.