Host Successful Webinars With These 5 Simple Steps

Host Successful Webinars With These 5 Simple Steps

If you are an entrepreneur with an e-commerce business, you must have experienced the highs and lows of hosting a webinar. After all, improving your attendance rates can result in higher sales than any other conversion strategy.

However, it is also one of the most dangerous places where you can lose the most potential buyers in a campaign.

The consumption of social media content has spiked up during the pandemic and as the trend evolved, more and more marketers began to take the advantage of it. Many motivational speakers in India are making the most of this trend.

Webinars are one of the most effective ways to hook in new leads. It helps brands to change with the rapidly changing consumer behavior and market trends. A potential buyer will buy your product or sign up for your service because it will help them.

Here are 5 tips to cut through the noise and attract a large audience to your webinar:

1. Find Out Your Customer’s Biggest Challenge

  • Ask your potential customers and existing & potential clients about their current challenges, frustrations, and desires.
  • Post questions on Facebook and read the comments.
  • Find out why consumers will choose your brand and not your competitors.

2. Pick an Appealing Topic

Which topic according to you will attract more audience?

a). How to purchase our product?


b). Make your business easier through new strategies?

If you pick ‘option B’ then you are right. Why? The second option promises a benefit that will help your customers to run their business operations, smoothly. Research well!

If you test different topics for your webinar, you will find that an interesting, engaging, timely, and educational webinar will pull more audience. Your presentation should be ‘customer-centric and solution-oriented’. This will give participants practical ways to solve the challenges they are facing currently.

The topic should also obviously include the real goal of lead generation, product launching, and educating your audience.

3. Find your Target Niche

It is extremely necessary to search out forums, mail groups, chat rooms, or any other social media platform to find out your target audience.

If you are selling a sports product, it would be pointless to market a webinar to those who are more interested in business courses. Once you find a topic of interest, create a follow-up plan, and make a strategy to build your event marketing plan from there.

4. Be okay with Fluctuating Attendance Expectations

Sometimes we overestimate the numbers and find it demotivating to see the actual number of people who attend the webinar. Expect a show rate of only 30% of those who have registered for a free webinar.

If your numbers are below that then make sure that you are sending day-of and 24 hours reminders via email. Send invitations to more prospects multiple times to remind them about your free webinar.

5. Use Polls

The best way to increase engagement in your webinar is to ask your audience to participate in your webinar. If you have ever attended a webinar on one of the leading platforms, you must have noticed that they allow you to pre-load interactive polling questions. Many motivational speakers in India use polls to know what their audience is curious about.

You can capture the attention of your audience by asking questions related to the webinar. Ask things like:

  • What interests you most about the webinar?
  • What are the immediate challenges you are facing?
  • Would you like to boost your sales?
  • Would you like more information on our latest product or services?

The type of questions that we have mentioned above will not only attract the audience to your webinar but also give them ‘food-for-thought and keep them hooked for your next webinar.

Have your attendees try, buy and contact you for more information on your products or inquired about the next webinar. Also, offer them a limited-time offer for the webinar to create urgency and hype around it. If you are doing an educational webinar, tell your attendees to stay on for more information.

And last, but far away from least- Be Enthusiastic and talk in a more connecting way! Motivate your participants and engage them in conversation. Want to know more about marketing strategies? Join our Business Coaching Program. To know more, visit: .

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